Hello Everyone, We welcome you to Blogfruit.com where blogging is Fruitful. Today in this tutorial we will learn something about “Sticky Posts” in WordPress. So lets start and learn from the root of the concept.
What are Sticky Posts ?
Sticky Posts are really a nice feature by WordPress, when you want to show some particular post or article on the very top of your homepage. Sticky posts are those posts which an administrator always wants to be on top of the Front page or Homepage. It may be your best article or a very hot tutorial that you just finished writing and you want to show it to a lot of people.
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If you want to “Welcome” your users, visitors with a particular article or blog the you must definitely use Sticky Posts. You can check on our Website.
How to make a post Stick to the Homepage
The very first step is to Login to your WordPress dashboard and check out the posts. If you have not created any posts then first “Add New” post in your Blog/Website.
Now after you have written your post then its time to Stick the post to your Homepage. Its very easy just look on the right hand side and you will find a section named “Publish”. ( Check out the below Screenshot ).
After locating the Publish section now navigate to the “Visibility: Public” option, Click on the “Edit” option and you will find out a new sub menu. Then simply click on the check box “Stick this post to the front page”, then click ‘OK’ and Publish it. ( check out the screen shot below ).
After publishing your job is done, you have made your post Stick to the Front/Home page of your Blog/Website.
Extra Tips
- To make posts Sticky within specific categories, Install a plugin named “Category Sticky Post” that allows us to mark post as sticky posts within all specific category archive of our Blog/Website. It also has a functionality of sticking a single post per category.
- Be careful ! Do not create too may Sticky Posts in your Blog/Website as they can harm the entire traffic to the Blog/Website and readers may think that you are not updating your content anymore as they will only see the same Posts again and again on your homepage.