Title tags are or title of a website is currently the most important part of SEO these days, after Google declared that they stopped using the Keyword Meta Tags to identify the content of the webpage or a website. Read the article hereĀ and check for Videos. Writing a catchy , brief, SEO optimized, informative Title of the content might not be an easy job, but if you follow all the guidelines in this article and the rules associated with the Title Tags, you gonna love it and will stand out from crowd.

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A title is the most important aspect telling People and Search Engines about your content. And a Meta Title Tag is the oneĀ that appear on the top of your HTMLĀ Code inside the <head> area section. It is like a chapter of book which tells people, what your page is about. One of the easiest and most effective tools for optimizing your webpage is to write individual title tags. Most bloggers looses tons of traffic everyday, because of their boring Titles that no one wants to read. So, even if Google Ranks you for something, even then the visitors are not clicking your link because of your lame Title Tags Strategies.


Title Tag is one of the topmostĀ ON-Page SEO RankingĀ factors for SEOĀ (search engine optimization). Title tags display in the top bar of the internet browser and tell your readers and visitors what information this page contains.

What is a Title tag?

Title tags are a type of Meta tag. Meta tags are coding elements that provide useful information about a page to search engines, but are unseen by the visitors to your webpage.

“The page title tag (or HTML Title Element) is arguably the most important on page SEO factor. Keywords in page titles can HELP your pages rank higher in Google results pages (SERPS). The page title is also often used by Google as the title of a search snippet link in search engine results pages.”

Optimizing title tag and description tag is crucial if you want to rank better for your keywords, because the title and description tag is what shows up in the SERP.

Importance of Title Tags

Title tags are very important for the website because when Google bot crawl our website then first he read and get idea from title of the website and also when visitors come on our website then he first read the title of the website or webpage to get idea about that page and that is the most important reason why title tag is necessary for the website or webpage.


Creating a relevant title tag is one of the most important variables in achieving high search engine positioning and becoming expert in it, is also a big task. Search engine generally considers a maximum of up to 70 character in title tag and you should use this limit and also ensure that your title tags are unique, attractive and relevant across your webpages.

Check this out: “Ā Convert Categories to Tags and Tags to Categories

Optimizing YourĀ Title Tags For Maximum SEO


Title tags are so such an important part of the SEO(Search Engine Optimization), implementing best practices for title tags makes for a terrific low-effort, So lets begin with the information related to Optimizing Title Tags.

Google’s Example of a Good Title Tag

Meta Title Tags

Title Tags Optimization

1. Don’t Target too many terms on One Page

A good thumb rule is not toĀ target too many terms or keywords per page. This method allows search engine to more easily determine the topic and relevancy of your page. Be very targeted about the topic area of the article that you want to write, otherwise it will be disadvantageous for you.

2. Contains Keywords:

The point of title tag is to include keywords so that Google knows what type of search queries to present your web page for, if you want to attract new clients to your website or blog then you should have contains keywords in title tags.

Read and Understand : Primary Keywords and Secondary Keywords

3. Keep it Short and Simple

Yes, while creating title tags don’t cross the word limit which is 70 character including spaces, If you crosses 70 characters, then your title will not show well on search engines and it will clip your title and replace it with these stupid dots (……….).

4. Don’t Reuse title tags: Stay Away from Duplicate Title Tags

When we run our crawler on a client’s website, one of the most common problem we see is that many pages use the same title tag which is not good thing. It can be count as duplicate content. So, try to avoid repetition of title tags.

5. Keyword Placement and Order:

The earlier the Keyword is used in the placement of the title tag, the more helpful it is for ranking factors. It is near the beginning and likely not cut off at the 70 character limit. So, keep this point in your mind while creating title tags.

6. Use Proper Separators for your Titles

Here is what Google’s engineer Matt Cutts has to say Ā about the different types of separators that you can use in your website. Don’t use underscores (A_B) as your title separators, instead you can use comma, pipes, dashed as the recommended Html Title Tags Separators.

Video :Is comma a separator in a title tag

7. Stop Using “Stop Words “

A few plenty of bloggers still uses a lot of “Stop Words” in their Titles like,

“if, then, but, some, many, more, and, or, that, or similar words like that.Ā Its a good practise not to use too much conjugations, prepositions, models and stuff like that for your Title Tags because of the obvious reasons that they are not providing any value to the user and the readers when they are querying information in search engines.

Think of yourself, how many times do you search in google with these in between while looking for some information. Not so often ! Right ! Stop words take up the necessary space that you can instead use for other keywords that you can target on your blog.

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8. Everyone Hates SPAM

Do not Spam anyone with misleading titles like saying, Free Tools or downloads and then writing premium content resources. Google and your visitor will hate you for that, thinking of a marketing trick to bring traffic and sell your tools, eBooks and other sort of stuff like that.

Now, this post comes to an end. Read such instruction and tips for optimizing title tags which is very important for SEO. If you think this post is valuable then don’t forget to share your wonderful comments. Love to be hear from you.