Buy BBA, BCA, B.Tech, MBA, M.Tech etc student leads
We have a few zones on this site where we give data to the understudies looking for admission to different courses like MBA, MCA, B.Tech, Law, MBBS, MS, Engineering, Nursing and so forth. Understudies can deliberately enroll for affirmation administrations to different courses.
Since our understudy database incorporates just the understudies explicitly picked confirmation administrations to courses of their decision, we have explicit subtleties on which course the understudy is looking for affirmation for. As an instructive office, you can decide to purchase just the leads for explicit courses by paying the charges for such explicit leads.
The amount it will cost to purchase understudy database in India
As we made it understood, we don’t sell understudy database. Rather, we share subtleties of understudies explicitly mentioned for affirmation direction. Scholastic organizations can purchase such training leads from us for a charge.
Expenses per lead change as per the course selected by the understudy. Commonly, concentrate abroad understudy leads are moderately more costly than leads for affirmations in Indian colleges. You will have the option to see the charges for each lead before you acknowledge or dismiss a lead.
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